Chapter One :Chapter 1

At a bar.

Eliana Bella was already a little drunk. She felt the beer mixed with red wine started tumbling in her stomach.

"I need to go to the restroom." Eliana said to Amanda White, her best friend, who was sitting opposite her, then stood up and went to the restroom.

She had never been to this bar before, so she finally found the restroom under the lead of an waiter.

When she was about to look up at the signs on the door, a long-haired woman with a scent of a strong perfume came out of the door and walked past her.

Without thinking, Eliana walked straight into the door with her high heels where the woman had just come out.

The restroom looked a little strange.

It was different from any other restroom that Eliana had seen before.

Because there was a row of urinals on one side of the wall.

The kind of urinals which men would use.

Eliana was a little confused, and her drunken eyes quickly met a pair of deep dark eyes.

It was a man!

A very good-looking man.

This man was looking back at Eliana at this moment.

They were only two meters, so Eliana could clearly see the change in his eyes.

Just at this moment, she suddenly realized that she had come to the men's room!

Then she thought of the woman who had just left earlier. Was she actually a 'he'?

What the hell?!

Any normal woman at this moment would scream out with horror and then ran away as soon as possible.

But Eliana was never a normal woman.

She quickly made her eyes lose focus, then reached out her hands and groped forward. She kept whispering in her heart, "I can't see, I can't see."

She didn't even know why she was pretending to be blind. There was no doubt that running away was the best idea in this situation.

However, she was the kind of person whose brain would automatically stop working normally when something happened, and made her end up doing some strange.

Without any focus of the eyes, she still could vaguely see things around her. From the corner of her eyes, she could clearly see that the man zipped up his pants.

Eliana's ears turned red, but she had to carry on what she was doing. So she groped forward a little more until she reached the door of the toilet, and then quickly pushed the door open.

Just as she was about to step in, the man walked over.

He stopped behind her and sneered. "Stop faking it. I know you can see. Your eyes are too bright to be blind!"

D*mn it! It was not her fault that her eyes were too bright!

Eliana did have a pair of very bright eyes. When she was 15, someone had once said that her eyes were as bright as a bulb. Although this metaphor didn’t sound so beautiful, she still accepted it. At least, it was better than having a pair of blank, dazed, dead-fish eyes.

After hearing his words, Eliana's lips twitched and forced an embarrassed smile. She looked back and said, "Em...well...actually...I didn't see anything."

The man sneered again. "You didn't see anything? Then why are you blushing?"

Eliana only felt a little hot on her ears earlier, but when she heard this, her face turned totally red instantly.

It seemed that the man still didn't plan to to let her go yet as he started staring at her red face carefully.

He looked at her face so seriously as if he was going to see her through, which made Eliana feel more embarrassed.

She opened her mouth and was about to apologize, but the man asked first, "Have I met you somewhere before?"

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